Friday 1 February 2008

Film: January Round-up

Here's a little round-up of all the new films I saw this January, with links to the full review over at 100 Films.

The Simpsons Movie
"it made me laugh, and often; at least as much as any other recent comedy, if not more so. That makes it a success in my book."

Dark City
"probably the most underrated film I've ever seen. It is, to my mind, absolutely brilliant."

Easy Riders, Raging Bulls
"short on great insight, but does provide an overview of what went on in this period -- that is, the story of how Hollywood made the transition from the old studio system to the era of the blockbuster"

Churchill: The Hollywood Years
"most of the best bits are of sketch length, and so wind up spread out among the padding."

The Mirror Crack'd
"the direction is flat and lacks suspense, half the cast phone in their performances, and Angela Lansbury, lumbered with a sprained ankle and premature aging, seems to be in a dry run for Murder, She Wrote."

Keep an eye on the regular 100 Films in a Year blog for full length reviews of all the films that are new to me as I see them.

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